Mark Saxon, Oconee County commissioner, was re-elected Board chair, and Thompson was elected as vice-chair. Project manager Jimmy Parker told the Board design work on the structure will resume in June.

The Board discussed its plans for construction of an intake structure on the Apalachee River at High Shoals. The meeting on Tuesday of the Management Board was a routine one until Thompson spoke. “I just feel that all of you guys need to know that these conversations are taking place,” Thompson said in explaining his announcement. Thompson is one of four Walton County representative on the seven-member Management Board, and two of Oconee County’s three representatives on the Board asked for clarification of the discussions and involvement in them in the future. Thompson made his announcement in comments at the end of the Tuesday meeting of the Hard Labor Creek Regional Reservoir Management Board in Monroe. The water could help with development of a massive research park along I-20 on the southern tip of the county, he said. Thompson said the state is supportive of the interbasin transfer of water from the Oconee to Ocmulgee river basins. Thompson said he had three meetings with Newton County officials in recent months and that state officials also had been involved. Walton County Board of Commissioners Chair David Thompson announced on Tuesday that he has been meeting with officials from Newton County about sale of water from the Hard Labor Creek Regional Reservoir to Newton County.

***Oconee County Representatives Ask For Details***